
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

SCGM 未来如何?

SCGM (7247),国内其中一家有规模的塑料包装生产商(食品,电子,医疗),业务包括国内和出口到国外。国内营业额占总营业额超过60%,这个比例一直在增长当中,可见国内的需求保持强劲,也代表公司在努力扩张国内市场的份额。





公司在2017年开始投入大笔资本开销 (CAPEX) 以扩充生产线,花54 million兴建新厂房,把生产量从每年36 million kg 增长至每年62.6 million kg,提高74%。公司上一次扩张生产线是在2009年,把当时的厂房面积从40,000 sq feet 扩张到170,000 sq feet,公司的营业额随后5年大幅度增长。由此可见,接下来5年的业绩非常可期。


由于产能几近饱和,业绩在没有强劲动力的增长下,SCGM 股价从去年3块多高峰后开始往下近60%,历时半年之久,一直到今年4月才回稳。随后在4中和5月中有明显的拉升(价量齐升)后横摆,昨天开始又有一股明显的拉升,亦然是价量齐升的情况。



Saturday, June 16, 2018




以上的table足以一目了然,这5年来领了84仙的股息,分了一次红股。因为分过红股,手上的股数也从1000股变成1500股。如今你手上的美女每股本钱是78仙((当初透入的资金 - 股息总额)/总股数)



Thursday, June 14, 2018

MAGNI的“精髓”所在- SIP

South Island Garment Sdn Bhd (SIP), a 100% wholly-owned subsidiary of MAGNI.


【Dependence on major customer】
SIG’s current business is largely dependent on the sale of woven sportswear to Nike, Inc. (“Nike”). Sales to Nike accounted for approximately 75% of SIG’s revenue for the financial year ended 30 April 2005. 

SIG has enjoyed a cordial relationship with Nike for the past 20 years since 1985. Being a supplier of Nike apparels, SIG is required to adhere to a strict set of compliance rules known as the “Nike Code of Conduct”. Due to SIG’s emphasis on quality control and successful business ties with Nike, Nike has appointed SIG as one of the tier-1 woven manufacturers of Nike apparels worldwide. To be a Nike tier-1 manufacturer, SIG must maintain a high and consistent performance in its on-time delivery and quality of its apparels. The privilege of being a Nike’s tier-1 manufacturer is that Nike is committed to prioritising the production capacity offered by its tier-1 manufacturers. Although SIG continuously strives to improve its quality assurance, delivery and customer service, there can be no assurance that SIG will continue to have a cordial business relationship with Nike, and that Nike would not remove SIG as a tier-1 woven manufacturer of Nike products. Nike, being a global company, has the flexibility in sourcing for other manufacturers worldwide and is not dependent on any single manufacturer. 

The Board of SIG also seeks to mitigate these risks by looking out for other strategic customers which have a relatively wide range of products that would be able to provide SIG with a constant flow of orders. Although the Board of SIG seeks to mitigate its risks by looking out for other strategic customers, it also strives to strike a balance between the need to minimise its business risks via a larger customer base and the risks arising from its focus on certain major customers to ensure better profitability.

【Brand loyalty 】
The success of a particular brand is mainly dependent on the consumers’ loyalty, and updated fashion and quality associated with the brand name. With Nike’s products being the main product produced by SIG, SIG does not have any control over Nike’s brand loyalty. Nike is the largest seller of athletic footwear and apparel company worldwide. In the past years, Nike has achieved remarkable growth which reflects its consistent effort and ability to capture and sustain market share. Hence, the risk of brand switching by Nike’s customers is well monitored. If Nike’s reputation and business performance is affected, there can be no assurance that the financial performance of SIG would not be affected. In view of SIG’s capability to develop and produce a wide range of product types ranging from basic to highly technical seam sealed garments, the Board of SIG is confident that it would be able to switch its operations to serve other customers such as Adidas, Fila, Puma and Reebok whom they had working relationships with.

【Future prospects and plans of SIG】 
SIG has been involved in the apparel industry since 1975. With 30 years of experience in this industry, SIG has built a good reputation in the apparel industry and is known among its customers as a reliable and consistent manufacturer of high-quality and sophisticated woven sportswear. With its established presence in the apparel industry and good reputation, SIG has been able to expand its customer base to include the most strategic players such as Nike in the sportswear sector. 

SIG has identified Nike as its main strategic customer as SIG has enjoyed a good working relationship with Nike for more than 20 years and Nike is the largest seller of athletic apparel in the world and a provider of a wide range of product mix. SIG is also one of Nike’s tier-1 woven manufacturers of Nike products worldwide. Being a tier-1 contract manufacturer of Nike, Nike is committed to prioritising the production capacity offered by its tier-1 manufacturers. 

SIG received the “Outstanding Performance Award” from Nike in 2005 at the Nike Supplier Summit Year 2005. The award marked Nike’s recognition of SIG’s performance and is based on consistent achievement of at least 95% on-time delivery, less than 1% quality defect rate and compliance score of grade A for the past 1 year. 

Nike has revenue and cost of sales of USD13.740 billion and USD7.624 billion respectively for the financial year ended 31 May 2005. Nike has targeted to increase its business volume with SIG by approximately 1.5 times by the year 2007. As such, SIG’s future business development with Nike is promising given that SIG places utmost importance on the quality of its products, and SIG’s revenue from Nike is very minimal as compared to the overall business revenue of Nike. The Board of SIG believes that this will bring rapid growth to SIG in terms of business volume and profitability.

To retain Nike’s confidence in its products and to remain as Nike’s tier-1 woven manufacturer, SIG is committed to increase its production efficiencies and capacities, and maintain its quality assurance. 

To cater for the increase in production capacity, SIG plans to increase its manufacturing plants or production lines in Vietnam by entering into new business collaborations with its existing joint venture partner in Vietnam, and to expand its manufacturing facilities to other countries which have a lower cost of production. SIG is also on a constant look-out for other strategic customers which have a relatively wide range of products to provide SIG with a constant flow of orders to mitigate its risk of cyclical sales.

SIG’s persistence and aggressive efforts in cost management, production efficiency and effectiveness, shorter lead time and “lean” management concept have also enhanced SIG’s profitability.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

NIKE & MAGNI 撇不开的关系

MAGNI是NIKE其中一家代工,而NIKE是MAGNI主要客户,Garment segment 占总营业额89% (根据2017年报)。虽然年报里没注明客户是谁,但大家都知道MAGNI的主要客户是NIKE。有鉴于此,NIKE的财务表现也直接对照着MAGNI的财务表现,可说是一面镜子

 过去5年,无论是营业额,营业利润和税后盈利,NIKE和MAGNI的表现几乎一致。2018财政年截至第三季的表现两家公司都出现放缓的迹象。NIKE第三季的税后盈利出现严重下滑主要归咎于刚刚在2017年12月生效的新税法,导致附加税务开销暴增(transition tax on our accumulated foreign earnings and the remeasurement of deferred tax assets and liabilities)。不过这些附加税务属于临时估计(provisional estimate),公司完成评估后将会作出适当的修改。

NIKE garment在欧洲,中东,非洲,中国大陆,亚洲太平洋区和拉丁美洲(除了北美)的销售额均取得双位数增长。
